#Shoe #Soup #mouf Concept art by Cartoonist Jamaal R. james

So I was playing around with concept art and characters for another creative arts project and this little jewel showed up.  Sorry for not posted as much but I am working the kinks out of this new idea I’m working on until next time people.  Jamaal R .James

Shoe Sou Mouf isn't bullet prrof but he wont be a sppok either.
The level of genius displayed by this creative arts company is truly ingenius.

#Flygirl100 #wingless #puppet #bird rented a pair of wings to fly across #town by #Creative #Director Jamaal R. James

Flygirl100 rented some wings from a wing rental shop and know she’s flying around town looking for a golden egg.  If you see her tell her to keep looking and she’ll find that egg she’s been looking for in no time.

Flygirl100 is the best and she's a great navigator and we all learn from her. Created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.
Flygirl100 is a funny friend and she rented a pair of wings at the wing shop, she was created to remind kids that some things are unexplainable. Jcaaec
Flygirl100 is a smart bird and has a golden goose tracker. Sh'es going to collect all of her eggs.
We love you flygirl100 keep all striving girl we know you can do it. Created by Jamaal R. James

#Lemron The #conartist #costume #puppet

Lemron is in full effect and his doing his thing.  Making his game and playing his role.  Lemron, Lemron stay true, Lemron, Lemron, stay you.  Here’s a Happy gram from Lemron reminding you to stay up and be on the lookout for conartists named Lemron The Con.

Lemron The Trickster Conartist Conman costume created by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.
Lemron The Trickster Conartist Conman costume created by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.