Incorporating Play into life and work games

So I found this article from the that deals with play and games and how as children and even people we learn about play and life through games….that’s all sweet simple and to the point…..enjoy.

Will Smith Keys to Life Running and Reading

Good Morning. Good Morning. Goooooodddd Morning. So woke up this day and decided to listen and play this video from Will Smith talking about staying motivated and running and how when we run we silence the inner critic that says it cant be done. Because each step we take is a yes, that it can be done, whatever that goal may be. Well enjoy. Jamaal for James Creative Arts & Entertainment Company out.

Creativity Workshop by James Creative Arts & Entertainment Company

So sitting around figuring out how to make the small company that I started more productive and interactive. Then out of the blue an idea popped into my head that said, why not have creative workshops for kids and teens, and people that want to learn creative things but need a creative push. Hence, tadah, the creative workshop. So okay whats the next step. Well in order to have a creative workshop you need creative people that are skilled to help the unskilled and the semi skilled become skilled (By the way I still consider myself unskilled, but I’m getting better). So on my quest to find the skilled I reached out to the local staff in charge of creative arts in my area and was meant with a resounding No. Or why, why, why, what, who and how? Okay, I get it. How can you do a creative arts workshop and not be an expert. Because I can, and will. Other creative artists will help me. Hence the main goal is to get kids and teens being creative and thinking creatively. That’s not a very difficult feat. So let’s just see how things turn out. Even if only 1 kid shows up to the workshop, it was a success. Nothing great was built over night. It takes years and years, and more years. But this is our start. Winjoy.

Animatronics & Movie Stage EFX

So since I was a kid I was fascinated by movies such as Robocop, Thriller, and ET. I didn’t realize until I get older that other people had created this things and they were controlled by a process called Animatronics. The design process is pretty awesome. But I have no clue as to how to begin or what goes where. But what I’ve learned is that in this age of information anything and everything is out there. but you have to discipline yourself to get there. So a website that I found some really cool images in regards to design and special EFX is

Here are some of the images that inspire me:


Pretty cool indeed. Man I cant wait to come up with some creative ideas of my own and incorporate them into short films and plays. So in the meantime I was watching a video regarding getting into animatronics here.

Enjoy. Until next time folks. As Bob Dylan said The loser now, will be later to win.