Postive Possible Outcomes Quotes by Ralph Marston

Office Cukkeltics ” The Game” Lovely, Awesome, and Funny Cast

Hello Everyone. Meet the Lovely Cast of Office Cukkeltics “The Game”. Yes, Yes, we had a blast making this film there was a lot of silly scenes and fun that was had by all. This will most likely be available in a week. So let’s see what happens. In the meantime…enjoy your day, and thanks for supporting another one of James Creative Arts and Entertainment’s Film Productions. The backstory and idea and them behind the movie is coming soon. Enjoy.



Office Cukkeltics "The Game" produced by James Creative Arts and Entertainment Company
Office Cukkeltics “The Game” produced by James Creative Arts and Entertainment Company







Office Cukkeltics "The Game
Office Cukkeltics “The Game produced by James Creative Arts & Entertainment Company

Animatronics Dancing Doll

As you all know in the process of building out the designs in my head to one day have at a theme or amusement park. But in the mean time in between time I like to look at animatronics and get ideas and what not. Also found this video out of japan.

And last but not least a video of a robot Restaurant in Japan. Aspire to create shows like this. this would be so fun to pull off. Man. It would be so fun. In time everything as they say right. LOL. You can really feel the energy and vibe of the place as well.

Power of Persistence: The Chinese Bamboo Tree

chinese bamboo tree
chinese bamboo tree

So started off the morning listening to Les Brown and other motivational speakers like I normally do. Heard Les Brown talk about the Chinese Bamboo tree and how it takes 5 years of watering before he grows out of the ground. 5 years? Yes 5 years. Crazy, how dumb you look watering a ground with nothing or nobody there. But that also shows the power and persistence of patience and how you can achieve and do anything. When people doubt you, or you doubt yourself in spite of remember the chinese bamboo tree who takes five years to sprout. I guess this also says alot about our culture in general if that tree was sold at tree shops and that was one of the exclusive products the shop would probably be out of business pretty fast. So once again remember the chinese bamboo tree when you feel like giving up or giving in.