#Arcness #Macwarkness is getting #catharsis by #Barkness and descent into#Artness by CreativeDirector Jamaal R. James for #jcaaec

Working on gesture drawing, didn’t have a good slogan so thought this one up. Grateful everyday for the ability to learn and get better. More to come. God, Universe, Muses, thank you. Humble learning servant. JJ.



The #Windy #Window #Shortfilm by #FilmDirector Jamaal R. James for #jcaaec

Couldn’t sleep last night then started to write and then the words took flight and turned into action.  God, Universe, Muses. Thanks. Eyes, Ears, Knowns, and unknowns, thanks.

In the room he sits staring into the abyss, pacing back and forth looking for a spork, or spark of inspiration, instead of hesitation. But all he can find is a difficult rhyme. a puzzle to solve, a muzzle to fraud, he know’s its tough, you better be quiet, he’s made for this stuff, he’s sees the shadow, maybe he’ll get rattled, from head to toe, You never know, welcome to the show. Winjoy.

#TheGameofSand #dream by #Filmdirector Jamaal R. James for #jcaaec

So I had this dream last night and I was walking around and there was this manhole cover that would go whereever I went. I kept trying to do stuff but I was stuck in the manhole. I tryed to remove it but then sand would come in and fill it. But the sand was only imaginary. I removed the manhole and came out of the hole and then I was free. I thought to myself the importance of self image because I think my subconscious was saying I was blocking my own self from becoming the person I wanted to be by my thinking. Then thought wow this is pretty good premise for a movie..all man, they stole my idea, oh well, there’s only another trillion infinite other possibilities. By the way-this-is-AMERICA. Lol.    ***By the way, Venom was a pretty awesome Movie. Well done guys. Eminem’s soundtrack was pretty Awesome as well.   Well hopefully the creatives that see read or hear this now, and in the future can learn from the dream.  Thanks God, Universe, Muses, thanks for skills to get better and the humbleness to learn more be more and do more. PEace.


#Alphusmagnoumus Versus #sharknasty #shortfilm #conceptart by #filmdirector Jamaal R. James for #jcaaec

Alphusmagnoumus is a retired navy seal who lives in the beaches off Hawaii. He was eating some fruit one day and went for a swim. When he entered the water a friend said do you know the water is haunted by sharks. He said sharks. What kind of sharks? Nasty sharks sharks so bad they call em Sharknasty.  Alphusmagnoumus said I guess I’ll have to see about these sharks.  (Enters the water) Friend apprehesive grabs him. “Alphusmagnoumus”,  Sharknasty has missles and is rocket powered you dont stand a chance in hell. “Alphusmagnoumus responds, “Kid, for my country and family to be safe to swim in the ocean someone has to face Sharknasty kidd. I just happen to be the man for the job. Splash (sound) as he goes into the water.  (End Scene)

So was watching Incredible 2 the other day and what a good movie. Talked about man issues and responsibilities of raising a family and being a father. Good job guys that created that project on the story. See yah soon. Alphusmagnoumus you are free to create your universe kidd, go be free.



#Mime #Paper #Chase by #creativeartist Jamaal R. James for JCAAEC

This is a mime and he’s trying to find a paper or I think he may have lost a piece of paper. Well see what happens next.  Learning is fun and can be done.  Thanks again Lorin.  Just getting started waiting to attend another class.  The story is simple but works.  No more talkies just listen.