#Cucamonga #Vineyard #Drip with #Grapes for the #Drapes for #jcaaec

So I was in Cucamonga the other day and I saw something that was Outstanding. My drawing needs work but it’s what I saw but needs more work. Oh well. GOD, Universe, Muses, thanks.




#Cowgirl #Holiday #Show was jumping out the #GYM by #illustrator #Nonhater Jamaal R. James for #jcaaec

This gem jumped up today and said Hello, well how about a Shoutout to all the Beautiful Cowgirls of the world riding horses and looking gorgeous. On behalf of the Beauty in the world we thank you. That’s it. Be careful on those horses. God, Universe, Muses, thank you. For allowing me to create and make and live and enjoy and play and pray. That’s it.



@Kendalljenner #Look #Kendall #Puppet #Thriller #storytelling #HalloweenArt for #jcaaec

So thought it would be funny or cool if you had Kendall Jenner as a model in the daytime….but when the moon comes out she turns into a Hungry Puppet Killer….so you have models in the daytime and then at night she morphs into this…Silly concept..I should have thought this one thru…whatever…thats the idea..now peace….Thanks God, Universe, Muses, and thanks for eyes to see all the Beauty in the world, Too much Beauty, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you thank you.  Plus the ones who do..thank you, may your generation and the generations after be eternally blessed…Thanks from my creations as well, if I can figure out how to monetize these concepts then of course I\ll be able to bless and be blessed and bless and be blessed and the cycle continues…thanks again, Grateful, thankful and humble, learning servant, JJ.

Sorry Kendall if its not up to par, I’m trying, give me some time.




#Astara is #born and walking the #model #runway by #illustrator Jamaal R. James for #jcaaec

This was a good show. No I imagined a model walking down a runway. That’s all. Beautifuls stay Beautiful be Beautiful and see the Beauty in life. Oh gosh here we go again. Thank what you want. Thanks Universe and Muses. Thanks to all you know who you are. Thank You. Grateful Humble servant. JJ. Thank You.


#Bookworm #learn by #illustrator Jamaal R. James for #jcaaec

So learning about ancient texts and resuming my study of the Kabbalah, I think a lot of answers to problems can be found here and in ancient texts. But maybe I’m right maybe I’m wrong. Either way its worth studying. See yah soon. Thanks Muses and remember

Knowledge is power. Love yah Muses and beauty thanks for being beautiful. Thanks for all the beauty in the world. The world is abeauty place it’s ugly at times but there’s more beauty than uglyness. I’m glad to be here and thanks Muses.


#007 #walk by #illustrator Jamaal R. James for #jcaaec

So once again this image jumped into my head, well saw this then a story unfolded about a model going to LA Fashion week and then loses her pass to the VIP Section where she’ll be introduced to M.J. Day. But then she realizes that one of her friends stole the pass because she wants to meet M.J. first and the plot thickens…… Thanks again Muses. your humble vessel/servant..JJ


Despacio “Short Film” directed by Jamaal R. James

This short film, “Despacio”  was directed by Jamaal R. James For James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company. Enjoy. But before you watch the film. Meet the cast.


Despacio “Short Film” directed by Jamaal R. James


Isabella Stewart played Sophia in the short film called, Despacio.  Isabella was a trooper as it was really hot inside of the studio. Really Hot. But she didn’t complain and was a Happy Camper. I know we will see you in future Commercials and films Isabella…..Thank You..Mrs…Stewart for allowing Isabella to be apart of the production. You can find out more about Isabella from here. Click the link.

Despacio directed by Jamaal R. James. Isabella Stewart  played  Sophia for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.
Despacio directed by Jamaal R. James. Isabella Stewart played Sophia for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.


Collin McCarthy…as Dr. Caldwell…as well….as A. Collin was quick on his feet and came up with the idea of himself being a Doctor interviewing the child…Sophia…after watching the film…I realized Collin can actually pass for being a doctor. Thanks Collin for being so flexible and I gave you a writing credit for IMDB as you help write this part of the film. Thank You. You can catch up with Collin here. Click the link.

Despacio directed by Jamaal R. James. Collin McCarthy played  the role of A for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.
Despacio directed by Jamaal R. James. Collin McCarthy played the role of A for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.


Yissendy Trinidad played B….the LOVE interest of Collin, Who was A. Yissendy was a trooper as she was auditioning for another part and then was asked to play the LOVE interest……… her part in the film is small. But she makes the most of it. You probably recognize Yissendy from the Messenger as she played Janessa.  You can catch up with Yissendy here. Click the link.

Despacio directed by Jamaal R. James. Yissendy Trinidad played the role of  B for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.
Despacio directed by Jamaal R. James. Yissendy Trinidad played the role of B for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.